(305) 547-9786 [email protected]

Deck Remodelers

If you can dream it, we can build it.

Deck Remodeling Company in Miami FL

Is your existing deck not living up to its full potential? We’ve seen it many times before. You purchase a house with an existing deck or added a deck yourself many years ago and it just feels lackluster. If this is these cases, hiring a deck remodeling company in Homestead FL might be just the thing you need. Miami Deck Builders will help you re-examine, not just the aesthetic aspects of your deck, but also its practical ones to determine the best course of action.

We take into account factors like the space that exists in the immediate surroundings of the deck, the goals of the deck redesign, existing budget as well as materials to be used and more to determine which types alterations will produce the greatest impact. The result? Our deck experts, will not only re-design but repurpose your current deck, all while re-using existing portions.
– We are the Premier Deck Remodeling Company in Homestead FL

Ready to Make this Happen?

We want to know all about your ideas for a deck. Fill out this short form and we'll get back to you in less than 10 minutes.*

* Responses outside of regular business hours may take longer.

Our Process When Remodeling Your Deck

Deck Remodeling Company in Homestead FL

  1. First you meet with a remodeling manager from Miami Deck Builders to discuss the scope of the project, your ideas, budget and overall goals.
  2. Next we present our suggestions for materials to be used, layout options and other considerations for the deck design and arrive at an estimated price.
  3. Time to hit the drawing board! We prepare renderings of the finished product and submit final pricing.
  4. Next you’ll meet with our design coordinator to review construction specifications and make selections for the interior and/or exterior of your deck.
  5. Construction begins!
  6. Once the building is completed a supervisor from our company does a thorough inspection with you to ensure everything is according to your expectations.

Why Choose Us – Deck Remodeling Company in Homestead FL

Deck Building Tip Video

We know that you have other alternatives when choosing a deck remodeling company in Homestead FL. The quality craftsmanship and professionalism offered by Miami Deck Builders is like nothing else found in Homestead FL and we’re confident that if you can dream it, we can build it! We are the Premier Deck Remodeling Company in Homestead FL.

A History in Homestead FL

We’ve been the deck remodeling company in Homestead FL, Miami and surrounding areas that folks have been turning to for over 20 years. Our deep knowledge of the ins and outs of deck building has earned us awards and, more importantly, the appreciation and repeated trust of our customers in the Homestead FL area. We strive to be the deck builders you turn to whenever the need arises and when folks come asking “Who remodeled your deck?”.

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